Hello guys,

I have a very simple LINKTOFILTEREDVIEW action set up for when a form is saved. It is written as a behavior action as in the image below...


In both the [Team Name] and [Team] columns I have 2 options, FACTORY or FIELD...



When the form is filled out, and FIELD is entered into the [Team] field, the filtered view that is shown on save is correct, with only rows where the [Team Name] column = FIELD. However, if the form is filled out with FACTORY in the [Team] field, the filtered view does not work at all, and the app returns to the previous view used by the user.

Am I missing something? Any thoughts? Thanks in advance ๐Ÿ™‚


Solved Solved
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I've just found the issue. I had an additional formula in the Behavior section of the action that I'd completely forgotten about (I made this sometime ago) and it was interfering with it. Thank you so much for your help, it's very much appreciated ๐Ÿ™‚

View solution in original post


Which kind of view is the one inside the LINKTOFILTEREDVIEW()?


It is a table menu view...



It seems like you forgot to use [_THISROW] when calling your current's row value

I tried adding that to the formula but it didn't make any difference, it would still only work when FIELD was chosen as the [Type]. The strange this is that it works perfectly when FIELD is chosen, but not when FACTORY is chosen ๐Ÿ˜ž


I would just suggest you to make sure that Factory is correctly written in both datasets's columns

That's a good suggestion. I tried changing the word from FACTORY to something simple like BOB, but still got the same result. I've copied the word directly from the dataset and pasted it into the ENUM [Type] field as one of the two options, but it still won't work ๐Ÿ˜ž 

I've just found the issue. I had an additional formula in the Behavior section of the action that I'd completely forgotten about (I made this sometime ago) and it was interfering with it. Thank you so much for your help, it's very much appreciated ๐Ÿ™‚

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