I'm trying to create a view with the LINKTOFILTEREDVIEW expression, but when I try to filter the data, the result of the view is the entire table and it doesn't filter correctly. To be more precise, I have the table "SUBMENU" from which I want to generate a view only with the records that contain the "MENUID" = "9ff177b5" or in the same way as the column "FILTER" = TRUE

Expression 1Expression 1Expression 2Expression 2ResultResultThe other rows its add it toThe other rows its add it to

0 6 111

It does not work, I had already tried it like this

the result that shows me are all the records of the table, it does not filter it


Your image shows what testing would return as a link for all rows of the table asociated with the action, which has nothing to do with the final rows in the view. Just check the link, should be the same in all rows....

Al parecer estรกs creando la acciรณn en la tabla equivocada

Are you doing this filter with an action.. as it should?

For me it sounds like that you want to trigger this view based on the row.. then it would need to be LINKTOFILTEREDVIEW("Submenu",[MenuID]=[_THISROW].[MenuID])

No, what I want to do is generate a view, but only with the records from the "MENUID" column that match the data "9ff177b5". 

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