Licensing Confusion - Please just take my money

I am continuing to test an app that uses some mysql databases and will ultimately be deployed to a public user base.  When testing, I'm running into issues with licensing payments, but I've tried every configuration I can and I still end up with the problem.  

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 What am I doing wrong?  Also, I've tried contacting sales team multiple times but I get no reply.  What's with that?

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Do you have any apps under this account that are billed as Public Apps - Publisher Pro plan?  If you do, you will need to move any Secured apps to a second account.  For reasons I do not know, Public apps and Secured apps must be segregated into different AppSheet accounts.

HOWEVER, apps that connect to databases MUST use an Enterprise plan.  If this is the issue then the message is misleading.

If you wish to continue with database access in those apps you will need to contact AppSheet Sales to setup the correct Enterprise plan.  Billing is dependent on the features.  I an not certain if Enterprise plan apps also require their own account.  Never had to deal with that.  Typically once you go Enterprise, App Owners just place everything under that Enterprise account - i.e. no need for multiple accounts except possible a Public app to keep per user cost down when secured access is not really needed for certain features.

Thanks.   I think my issue is that I don't have an enterprise plan while using mysql data sources.  I really hope someone will return my query and get back to me about getting an enterprise plan.  Now, just to check... will an enterprise plan assume enterprise-based sign in?  My users will be using all the available sign-in options AND my data is stored in mysql.  Can these two conditions coexist?

@RedVox wrote:

will an enterprise plan assume enterprise-based sign in


@RedVox wrote:

I've tried contacting sales team multiple times but I get no reply

Try contacting AppSheet Support to get it rectified--especially if your account indeed does not yet require a paid plan (more or less that your app is not deployed and your aggregate user count during a trailing 30-day period < 10).

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