Link Automation Nodes between them

Hi guys, I have an VERY LARGE automation flow, and some steps repeat on the middle of the flow.

So I want to know if it is possible to link Nodes between them, for example:


Step 1.1 -> Goes to Step 2.1 when I check some logic.

This avoid the need to repeat the flow again on logic result.

pic Example linking nodes above





Is it possible to do on AppSheet?



1 3 119

I don't understand what you're asking.

Maybe nesting Branch on a condition steps would be a helpful technique?



Hi, I know about logic, but this is not what I want. I will try to explain a little more, see the screenshot below.



Imagine you have this flow, and when checking the logic, the final result for the "YES" logic is "Send E-mail", but also the final result for the "NO" logic, is the same "Send E-mail".

Maybe if there is a way to link them between themselves (green arrow) ( without having to repeat the task "Send E-mail" twice ).

Hope this clarifies.

Create your send email task beyond where the yes and no branches of the condition step converge.



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