Link to form within table view

I would like to have a view that simply contains 7 buttons that take you to a specific form. How can I best accomplish this?

I was given this advice the other day.
Create an action to go to another view within the app. Then, from the configuration for the deck/gallery/table view, near the bottom is an option to set an action when a row is selected. From there, attach the action you just created. When the user visits the deck/gallery/table view and clicks on a row, your custom action will be taken.

Im unsure what the formula would be within this action, can anyone help me?

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Youโ€™ll need a table that will define the buttons in the view. Letโ€™s call it Menu Table.

Menu Table will need a column to contain the text for the menu button. Letโ€™s call it Button Name. This column should be the AppSheet tableโ€™s label column.

Weโ€™ll also need a columnโ€“letโ€™s call it Button Formโ€“to identify the name of the form to which the user should be taken when clicking on the button. This column should be the AppSheet tableโ€™s key column.

Create the worksheet for Menu Table and populate it with appropriate data.

Add the worksheet as a table to your app (Data > Tables). Name the table Menu Table (as mentioned above). The table should be read-only; disable adds, updates, and deletes.

Configure the tableโ€™s columns (Data > Columns) appropriately, especially with regard to identifying the label and key columns indicated above. Save your changes.

Create a view (UX > Views) for the table (the app editor may have already created one for you when the table was added). For view type, choose either Deck, Gallery, or Table, as desired. Save your changes. Choose a position for your view that will make it visible (i.e., not ref).

Create a new action (Behavior > Actions) with the following settings:

  • For For a record of this table, select Menu Table.

  • For Do this, choose App: go to another view within the app.

  • For Target, enter [Button Form].

Take note of the name of this new action. Save your changes.

Go to the configuration for the view you created above, down to the BEHAVIOR section. For Event Actions, for Row Selected, choose the action you created above. Save your changes.

Using your app, navigate to your new view. When you click on an item, you should be taken to its associated view.

Thank you so much, was extremely helpful

New Member

thanks, itโ€™s a good example

Hello Steve,

Thanks for this it has helped a lot, i just have one question.
I have multiple buttons that need to go to different forms that i have created. What would i put into the [Button Form] row specifically ?

I tried adding DEEPLINK but this did not work.
Image below shows what i have done.
Hope you can help

AppSheet expressions never go in the spreadsheet.

No problem I worked it out!

I wonder what i am doing wrong here. I have structured and followed my columns and even name , keys to copy the same effect as your post and sample, but i canโ€™t invoke my views go to when i tried to navigate into it by clicking into the items.
it only directly goes to the menu items not the go to view.
i have selected my go to page on event actions too. dont know what i am missing .

Hi @reggieneo Did you create an action that goes to the view?

Hi Lynn,
Yes I have.

Hi @reggieneo Do you have a screen shot of your table view UX > views behaviour > event actions> On row select. You should have your โ€œGO TO VIEWโ€ action selected there.

HI Lyn,
I have that too.

Hi @reggieneo Have you tested your action and does it go to the correct view?
Did you copy and paste in the target view?
Where did you copy the target view from?

when i test, this shows:

here is my Menu Table

Made it work. I have changed the name as the Key. thanks

I have created an email action and the icon was overlayed in the table details. This works perfectly fine as the email template indicated to show all rows records as well.

However, I would like to have the email action for the table view so that I can email all records all at once. I tried linktoview() and context() or inline selecting the column, but the email action canโ€™t work. Appreciate if anyone has an idea on this. Thank you very much.

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