LinktoView([Link]) not routing to anything.

I have a Menu set up with 6 tabs, all linked by name to 6 different sheets. 2 of the 6 of these tabs are linking just fine to its intended sheet, but the others are linking to nothing; when I click on one of these 4, it takes me to a blank page. 

Additionally, if I change the Position for one of these 4 (under UX) from Ref to Menu, I can go straight to my data with no issues.

What am I doing wrong? Why are some sheets linked through my Menu while others aren't?

Thank you!

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Your view names maybe don't match.

If that's not it, you'll have to actually show us what you're doing.

That was it! Now I need to figure out how to adjust my view names without messing up my LinktoView. Thank you!!

View name it's not the same as the name it shows on the app.

There is a Display Name config for that.

Views: The Essentials | AppSheet Help Center

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