Lookup function showing date as number

How can I change the date format to show the date and not the number format when using the lookup function

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Confirm that the [Last Engagement Discussion Date] column within AppSheet has its Type property set to Date..

View solution in original post


Whether the column type for the column being searched is of type DATE

Is this AppSheet-related?
Where is your LOOKUP() expression?

Yes, in Appsheet, I am using the lookup(), to reference a date listed within a table. The function is working correctly, but I am getting an error message when attempted to select the Date type. The column in the Google Sheet is set to Date.




Forgot to add, this formula is in the initial value field.

Confirm that the [Last Engagement Discussion Date] column within AppSheet has its Type property set to Date..

@dbaum Thank you for that. Sometimes the simplest of error can cause the greatest pain. It is showing correctly now. 

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