Maintaining the view from a table when I switch the table

Hello guys, so I have a question, in my project I have two tables. And when I'm seeing one of them, checking the details of an item sometimes is useful to quick check the other one, but then when I return to the first one I'm no longer seeing that item and instead I'm watching the default view from that table.

So I wanted to when I return to the previous table the view that I'm seeing is still from that item.

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It may help to suggest something if you share how you navigate from one table to another.

Without that info, I can only suggest the use of a Dashboard view...

The item detail is this one: 


The view of the table of the item is this one: 


The secondary table is this one: 



Is the secondary table related to the first in any way like any ref field?

yes, in the item detail i have an enumList that gives me the Ids from the second table and then I can select which ones I want to use. But   the type for the enum list is text and not reference, I had a strange error when I did that.(

Is it what you want to do that you want to look at table 2 when selecting rows of table 2 to populate that enumlist in table 1?

If it is so, I believe either

  1. Create a go to another view action in table 1. Then you can hit the go back arrow in the left corner of the top bar
  2. a Dashboard is the solution. (Since you seem to be on a mobile device, this would not be a good option.)

would be your solution.

I would not know anything else.

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