Make a flow in app


I am not the most gifted programmer so excuse me for the following: I have created a simple app. Overview, when you click on an item you get a detailed view (card view). One of the actions on the card view I want to create a new flow. What I want to do is:

Overview > Detailed view > Form > Contact

So someone sees an overview based on the rows of table one with 2 or 3 attributes of each row.

Clicks one of the rows and sees a detailed cardview with almost all attributes.

On the card there is a button and says: I want to know more

Click and a form appears with 4 yes/no question based on table 2, fills in:

Question 1: Yes

Question 2: No

Question 3: Yes

Question 4: Yes

Based on these 4 answers, sees message, and button to send e-mail to adress which belongs to detail view of table one (prefilled with some data), option to return to overview

If other combinations of answers, sees message "too bad" and button to redirect to overview.


Hopefully I made it somewhat clear and there is a tutorial to make this. Thanks in advance!

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So which part are you stuck on?

So I obviously have the overview working and the detail view based on card lay-out.

On the card-lay out you have the option to define actions (UX tab).

Plan is/was to create a new action (behaviour tab) and attach this to one of the actions on the card lay out (UX tab).

This action should open the form with the questions (I made the form).

1) How can I get the action to open the form

2) How can I validate the answers and based on that

3) If all answers correct then message and button to compose mail

4) If one answer (or more) incorrect then message and button to return to overview



3. and 4. Not 100% what you're wanting, but probably need to start with a Form Save Behavior Action. Possibly a grouped Action holding 2 other Actions with opposing conditions (one for correct, one for wrong), along with their own confirmation messages. Then either a 3rd Action in the group to start an email, or the new record can trigger an Automation Bot


Forgot to mention that the mail in step three should be send to an adres belonging to the record relating to the detailed view from which the form startedโ€ฆ

So I am almost there. Thanks @Marc_Dillon 

Open the app and you see overview based on table 1

Select item and see detailed view from one row off table 1

Press buton and start Form

Form follows a flow that proceeds if questions are correct, if false ends form

If succesfully answered all questions then last form page > Users fills in credentials and saves, last question on form "Can we submit form to xxx?"

Form creates new row in table 2 with all data

Created bot, event if new row in table 2 and last question is answer "yes", then send mail based on template with all data from table 2 (on that new row).

So the e-mail should be send to XXX, which is an attribute of the detailed view of the row of table 1. And in the e-mail I want to refer to the name of the row from which the user started the flow.

So I see some options but I can't get it to work, if you would help me with this final step that would be great (or someone else).

- Add two columns in table 2 for e-mail adress and reference that should be filled as a row is being created and filled with data from the detailed view.

- The robot must be smarter and somehow sense from which detailed view the user started the flow which eventually created a new row in table 2

I'm guessing that somehow a sort of session state has to be saved as soon as the form is being started which briefly saves "user started this form during this session and these attributes must be saved".


To make it harder we work with guest users, so I can't user the usermail() function to create a session table or something which can store briefly some data

You catch my drift?

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