Microsoft Data Source error

Anyone else experiencing an issue with their app not working because of issues with Microsoft data sources? Below is the error message we receive. Thanks.


Unable to fetch app definition.

Error:Error: Table’s file ‘SHAREPOINT_SITE_ID_rockinghamgroup.sharepoint.com_f7d03497-75fb-411a-a3fe-047858d78aa4_4821a462-171e-4c8e-a797-c86cb0b11ce0//Specialty Claims//Specialty Claims.xlsx’ is not accessible due to: Error code: EcsCommunicationLowLevelError

Error message: We’re sorry. We ran into a problem completing your request.

Inner error code: EcsCommunicationLowLevelError

Inner error message: We’re sorry. We ran into a problem completing your request.

Stack trace: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.GetResultCore(Boolean waitCompletionNotification)

at Nirvana.Data.ExcelAPITable.<>c__DisplayClass99_0.b__0(String workbookSessionId)

at V2API.Providers.MSGraphUtilities.ExecuteSessionOperationWithRetry(Context context, String accessToken, Action`1 operation, String sessionId, String userToken, PhysicalSchema physicalSchema, String operationName, Exception& fatalException, Int32 userId, Int32 maxRetryCount, String debugInfo)

Debug information:

Method: GetSheetUsedRange

. Error: Data table ‘SpecialtyClaims2-655816:1.001425:Notes’ is not available Error: Data table ‘Notes’ is either inaccessible or empty./n

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Please directly contact for the issue.

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