Monitoring app users

Hello Appsheet Community,

I hope this message finds you well. I have implemented a sales application to streamline sales representative activities. However, I am facing challenges in monitoring and reporting user engagement due to the lengthy email addresses of many representatives.

Currently, I utilize the 'Manage' and 'Monitor' functionalities within AppSheet to track user logins and usage frequency. Nevertheless, the current format presents difficulties in efficiently reviewing information, especially when dealing with representatives with extended email addresses.

1. Is there an online application that seamlessly integrates with AppSheet, offering enhanced data management and visualization features to monitor user activity?

2. Alternatively, is it possible to connect the monitor data to a Google Sheet for more efficient data management and visualization?

I am open to any suggestions or best practices that can address this issue and provide a more streamlined approach to monitoring and reporting within the AppSheet environment.

Thank you in advance for your valuable insights and assistance.

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If you have AppSheet Enterprise subscription, you can read that data. Please check this article that describes what you can do.

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