Moving Gsheet with formulas to Sql

Is there a way to keep my custom formulas in Gsheet into Sql´s?
Curently I have several sheets with formulas that contain relationship with other with calculated formulas. Thouse sheet are used both read and writhe.
How to keep same funtionality in Sql´s and how does it is going to work with Appsheet?
I´m thinking to move to Sql, do you have some documentation or examples of this?

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You can have calculated columns in SQL server which behave similar to google sheets formulas.

You will have to familiarize yourself with the SQL language respective to the database you chose. There are lots of guides online for how to do it. It’s certainly more complex than google sheets formulas… But also less limited

Thanks @Jonathon!
Do you have try this in Appsheet? Is the same behavior with this calculated columns that it has with the Gsheet calculated columns?
If you have some examples would be really helpfull!

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