Need Help on Slice View Formmula

l need help on appsheet, basically l created a form view "Profile" which table is "Input" where a user will select a name from dropdown list(note the value of the names were referenced from the table "HIF" using the formula "Select(HIF[Full Name], True)") and other information(zip code, state, city) will autopopulate , so after it's being saved , it leads to card view of information l recently select but unfortunately if l go to the form view and select another name and hit save, the previous information l inserted will display on the list of the card view along with the recent one, so l want to create a slice, l need help with the row filter condition such that if the current information(name, e.t.c) l select will only display on the card view not the previous information l once selected ... kindly help with the formula to insert in the row filter condition.... but if you have other ideas to this , kindly tell mepro1.PNG

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So you fill out a form to add a new record, and then want to view only that record in a card view? Not sure if I'm understanding fully. Maybe try LINKTOFILTEREDVIEW() as a form save action?

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