Need help trying to automate sending Email, App notification or Both

I'm trying to automate on sending email, app notification or both. 

Each row has an entry on the form to select whether certain people want to receive email, app notification or both. One of the columns is receive notification and two options, Agent and co Agent, and the other is receive Email with the same two options.

I'm trying to automate for it to notify me whether a certain due date is coming up.  If the Event is true I have a process tat checks if Email and notification is selected, Email only, notification only or none. The issue I'm having is if one of the rows only has email selected and another row has email and notification selected, it only sends me email for both rows, but no notification for the row that had it selected or If a row doesn't have either selected and another row has both. It seems like it is checking it in order of rows and not each row individually. So if a row that is higher meets the conditions needed it sends email/notification based on what was selected.

Hopefully I explained myself correctly. I'm not sure if there is a way to check each row individually and send notifications and email depending on what is selected on the row. I've attached a pic of how I'm trying to do this




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What kind of Bot is this, and what condition expressions are you using?

Hello Marc, Thanks for the reply ,

Its a daily schedule event type and condition expression is checking if a document has been received and if it hasn't been received, it check the date that the docuemnt has to be received by via a formula. If this is true it triggers the process of checking who to send the notification to. First process checks for this 

ISBLANK([_THISROW].[Receive Notification]),
ISBLANK([_THISROW].[Receive Email]))

If its true it sends nothing, but if false it checks for this 

ISNOTBLANK([_THISROW].[Receive Notification]),
ISBLANK([_THISROW].[Receive Email]))

IF true it sends Notification, if false it checks for this.

ISBLANK([_THISROW].[Receive Notification]),
ISNOTBLANK([_THISROW].[Receive Email]))

If true it sends Email but if false it sends Email and Notification

But the process runs by checking each row and gives priority of the top row and uses what has been selected and ignores the rows below. I know I can do this with 2 different Bots, but I wanted to see if it was possible with one Bot.

I assume it's a forEveryRow event?

Remove all instances of "[_THISROW]."

That branching logic is silly. This is much simpler:



Ok, this logic seems easier, I do need it to check each row, since some rows might have both email and notification selected or maybe just notifications or not receive anything at all from that row. 

I ran this new logic and it is still sending me emails for rows that I don't have email selected, but I do have Notifications selected. It seems its only considering the first row that is true and if it has notif, email or both selected. The first test row i have has email and notif selected and there's a row further down that only has notif selected and im getting email and notif for both, instead of just email and notif for first one and just notif for second one 

I tested on my end. You're right, something seems very wrong with the branching on conditions for scheduled forEveryRow bots.

So would I just have to do it as 2 Bots ? I'm going to have a lot of bots if so lol

I recommend sending in a support ticket.

Thank you for the help, I really appreciate you taking time to look into it. I contacted support and they have to do further investigations on this issue to see what's going on. I'll post a solution once they get back to me if the have one.

There may already be a known bug with branching, just noticed this thread:

Hello Marc, so after talking to support, It seems the issue has been fixed. Just wanted to see if you could do a test on your end to see if it has been correctly fixed, if you have time to do it. Thanks for the help 

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