New Bug Encountered: Data not showing on excel spreasheet

Hi there,

I am having a big problem with my app. The new data entered through the app is not showing on my spreadsheet. I am missing all data entered from yesterday and today. It is showing in the app but not in the spreadsheet. I do not really know what to do! please help. It is a lot of data.

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Could you be possibly looking at the wrong spreadsheet?

A first place i thought that was the case but i cant find any other spreadsheet. The app take me to the current one and that is the one missing the data.

You havenโ€™t lost the data if itโ€™s showing in the app. Check from the spreadsheet if you have lot of blank rows and then scroll that sheet down if that data is there.

I think that was the problem. The data I thought I was missing was way down in the spreadsheet. What could have caused that issue?

If you deleted/cleared lot of records from your spreadsheet it could have that kind of affect. Another reason could be that you have accidently entered something into your spreadsheet.

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