New Bug Encountered: Form key field is required

When I Add form and try to edit data in a row specified by date key = today() it doesn’t allow me to save the settings… saying it requires key field. But it doesn’t make sense sice the key field is selected…

I would add more screenshots, but since Im a new member… i cannot. nice design

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  • UX

Hi @sh4rp44
This seems to work if you have a text key but I cannot get it to work with a date expression either.
Maybe @Aleksi has a solution for this.

Platinum 4
Platinum 4

You’re trying to use the form view’s Row key setting incorrectly: that setting is only intended to find and edit the existing row with the given key column value. It does not set the key column value. To set the key column value, you need to configure the column’s Initial value setting in Data >> Columns.

Hi Steve, as you can see from the sample data the dates are already set I just want to update the row with data in non-key columns just like you suggested.

Hi @sh4rp44
Maybe create a slice for TODAY and a view from that slice?

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