Noob needs some quick help with a simple form action based on a response

This started with a Google Sheets form and I decided to try it in app sheets for a little more options.

Property manager creating an app to register pets. 

Form asks Resident Name, Unit Number and Pet Owner Status via ENUM : 

ENUM buttons are No pets, Dog or Cat.  

If "No Pets", I would like the action to be Save Form and they're done.

If anything else, I would like to continue to the Rest of the Form to register the pet with Breed, Age, Weight, etc. and then save the form

I already have the database built with all of the necessary columns.  Even figured out the blank column to make it a multipage form with Next action.  Just can't find the way to save or continue based on response.  Google Sheets Forms have this branched action built in.

Thanks in advance

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Hi Ventress,

Most straightforward way to do this :

In the editor, your can put a "showif" formula for every fields where :

Show if : AND( [enumcolumn] <> "No pets" , not(isblank([enumcolumn])) )

Put that formula for every column after this enum. 

You can separate your form in pages by adding two Show type coluln and set their options to "Page" (one before every column, the other before the column that will start the 2nd page)

Hope it helps





In addition to this, if you want the form to "automatically" save/submit as soon as the information is completed, you need to enable "auto save" in UX / "YourFormViewName".

I'm not sure if you were asking this, but it was unclear.

@baba_sawane's solution is everything you need if you don't require auto-saving.

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