Number the lines on a PDF report

Dear all,

This is quite simple to think of but it is not as simple to perform.

I am making a list on a PDF. The list can be of anything. Let's take an example of a list of employees.

I can the list by alphabetical order or by date of birth, or even by team, or by date the person signed the contract.

I want this list to be numbered and that the numbering ended with the list. So I wanted to put some formula in the PDF report directly but it is impossible. If we create numbers associated with each person, as soon as you change the type of order it will not work.

thank you for suggestions 


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Hi Nidal,

Maybe you can use this :

(" , " & [list] & " , "),
(" , " & [value] & " , ")
" , "

It's used to get the number of an index in a list. I have no idea if it can be used like this.


Thanks, I am not sure it workd in a PDF. The expressions valid for the APP do not always apply to generating the PDF.

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