Opening a copied record in form view

I'm stuck when it comes to opening up a form of a copied record.

I've implimented a version of  @timsimpson's billiant solution to copy parent and child records. My version follows his closely, but copies two sets of child records, and resets some of the data.

My client has very resonably asked me to modify the action resu;ts in you looking at the copy, not the original. Whenever I use LINKTOROW or LINKTOFORM, I can't add the resulting action to the bot.

I'm stuck, any ideas are welcome



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Bots/automation are background processes that run on the server.  You wouldn't be able to use actions within the Bot to perform navigation to any view.

If your goal is to perform a copy in some way and THEN open that newly copied row(s), you will want to do this with client side group of actions - not automation.  

Can you describe your use case a bit more so we can guide you to the best solution?  

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