PDF Attachments Error

As of about 10 PM CST we started seeing some errors with PDF attachments from bots. The PDF is generated, and an email is sent but the attached PDF is corrupt and unreadable. The full PDF is available in the associated drive location, but the PDF that is in the email is always maxed out at 114kb. Any PDF smaller than 114kb comes through without issue.

We have not made changes in the bot or the PDF templates. 

Did AppSheet make a change or perhaps a third party service?

Solved Solved
4 20 810

We found out that the reason is coming from Google Drive API.

During email task execution, the Automation module contacts AppSheet connectors module to communicate with GDrive API (Owned by Drive). Automation module passes a list of attachment docIDs and expects GDriveHelper to respond with the contents of attachments ( Data ). Once it receives response from GDriveHelper, it passes on the body of email, along with attachments down the chain. However, the problem here is coming from GDrive APIs. The API calls for fetching contents from GDrive are failing because of the ongoing Drive issue. AppSheet connector module is not handling the error from GDrive API, and sending back partially consistent pdfs back to automation. This is why, users were not able to open some files. All these files are at 117KB because the partially consistent file into which the contents are written takes 117KB.

The current issue will be fixed once the GDrive's issue is resolved. It seems like they are rolling out a fix at the moment.

Sorry for the disruption this caused!

View solution in original post


I too am experiencing similar issue form about 3 hours ago. Any change was made in this regard?

If you didn't already, it sounds like you should report to AppSheet support.



@Steve any insight here? I have submitted a support ticket as well.

Thanks for the info. We are investigating what the reason could be. But it sounds that when the generated PDF size is bigger than about 100kB, it fails as an attachment even the file works in the GDrive. 

Thanks Aleksi. I have done a little more poking around and it appears the email limit may be closer to 500KB. I have now had successful PDF generation and PDF email of files less than that 500KB. I don't know if this information is helpful, but there it is.

I am having the same problem.



It also fails with other types of Files For example Zips.

Thanks for the info



The original PDF is 1.4MB the corrupt one is 133KB

Small PDFs work.


I have contacted AppSheet support but have not to got a resolution.


I too have the same problem...

I changed nothing...

We open the file with an Open URL and it has the same bug, that is, when the file is large ยฑ1.5Mb and + the file is corrupt and weighs only 115K.

Do we know when this will be fixed?!...

We do not yet know when a fix is expected.

This is impacting our userbase. Do we have an update on this?

Looks like the fix is in now. Things are working for me

We found out that the reason is coming from Google Drive API.

During email task execution, the Automation module contacts AppSheet connectors module to communicate with GDrive API (Owned by Drive). Automation module passes a list of attachment docIDs and expects GDriveHelper to respond with the contents of attachments ( Data ). Once it receives response from GDriveHelper, it passes on the body of email, along with attachments down the chain. However, the problem here is coming from GDrive APIs. The API calls for fetching contents from GDrive are failing because of the ongoing Drive issue. AppSheet connector module is not handling the error from GDrive API, and sending back partially consistent pdfs back to automation. This is why, users were not able to open some files. All these files are at 117KB because the partially consistent file into which the contents are written takes 117KB.

The current issue will be fixed once the GDrive's issue is resolved. It seems like they are rolling out a fix at the moment.

Sorry for the disruption this caused!

Thanks for the update

Confirming that full size PDFs are coming through email again. Thanks for getting this item resolved!

Did you report this to AppSheet Support?

At the moment I don't think they understand that its a system issue not an app issue!



Yessir, I did report it to AppSheet support and Aleksi has been on it. The issue seems to have been resolved now.

Its seem that problem reappears/persist... it seem that we can't download file exceeding  2mb...



The PDF generation is broken Again!.


@appsheet Please fix it



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