PDF Report automations not being created or attached

Why have all my Apps stopped creating PDF reports? Is there a service outage?

2 15 229

I have the same problem.

Some of the Apps have started to reproduce them but others still not yet.

Yes it is very unpredictable

Just been speaking with support online chat, apparently there was a update performed last night and they are looking into some reports where the PDF reporting has been affected. Some people have been affected while others have not. Some of my Apps are reproducing PDF reports. Only time will tell if the outage continues. Just wish a statement was made to clarify.

Confirmation for you:



Okay thanks. Can you update this message if you have an update? ๐Ÿ™‚

Absolutely. If I get an update I will post. ๐Ÿ˜€

same issue here


Any update? We are still having the problem

Sorry for the late reply. Support have said they have resolved the problem. Hope this helps.



Same here

Did you notice any strange errors in the automation monitor or audit logs?

There were no errors and checking the audit logs, all I saw was that the BOTS had completed successfully.

Same here for the last few days.

Totally unstable and unusable.

Time outs all the time.


If @appsheet support are listening. this need fixing ASAP.

You can simply put in a support request - https://support.google.com/appsheet

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