Payment methods in Brazil? Hello AppSheet te...

Payment methods in Brazil?

Hello AppSheet team. I want to know if you do have other brazilian customers, being those customers companies.

Companies in Brazil do have an aversion to credit card. And convincing the directors here to pay in credit card is the best method to make them ask if there is no brazilian alternative to a software.

Brazilian companies always prefer to pay through BOLETO.

Some info about it. (sorry, both seem to be not only informative, but also commercial websites, offering boleto services to international clients)

โ€œOften the only way to charge corporate or governmental customers.โ€ โ€œLow fraud and no chargeback risk.โ€

Companies will usually access their bank website, use barcode scanners to get the boleto code and with it the info of expiration date, amount, etc. Then the bank website allows a transfer.

Brazilian ER software usually do that automatically, connecting to the banking websites, reading boletos and storing receipts.

Ok, suppose we are the only client in Brazil, or that others are not interested in boleto. Any way to pay the billing here in Brazil aside credit card?

0 4 763

Thanks Praveen. I take it that Santiago is responsible for billing in Latin America?

Hi Rogerio, thanks for reaching out. Iโ€™m not responsible for billing in Latin America but we have a few partners in Brazil that may be able to work with you to process the billing you need. Letโ€™s take the conversation over email to find the best option for you. Can you send a note to and weโ€™ll take it from there.

Thanks, conversation moved to email. Topic may be archieved or deleted.

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