Pivot Table-Like or Google Sheets Query-Like Table View in Appsheet

Hello Appsheet comrades,

I was just wondering what would be the work around in Appsheet to create a VIRTUAL Table (i.e.  Table View) where the content is like a Pivot Table or Google Sheet Query

I would like to create this view dynamically even in offline mode.

My current work around is that I created a separate tab in my google sheet database and built a query with TOTAL as the 1st row, then the company line items sorted in descending order based on column C. 

This approach works and provide desired view result but it only works during Online mode. My concern is that my main users (as data entry users) are offline most of the time due to internet coverage situation, thus Im trying to replicate this approach virtually, same as how virtual columns work.

Any help / suggestion would be a great help. Thanks


This is what it looks like in Appsheet Table View.





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Thanks @Joseph_Seddik will check if this addresses my concern

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