Population of one field affecting visibility of another

I have this lookup field:


It does not appear in a form unless a different field in the form is populated.  Why would this be?  I do not have any kind of show_if logic.  Also, it appears fine if I make it a regular enum field that does not do a lookup




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It sounds like you have the same kind of formula in some of your columns before. When using syntax TableName[ColumnName], and you have them more than one, it creates a dependent dropdown. To avoid this, write it like.. SELECT(TableName[ColumnName],TRUE)

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It sounds like you have the same kind of formula in some of your columns before. When using syntax TableName[ColumnName], and you have them more than one, it creates a dependent dropdown. To avoid this, write it like.. SELECT(TableName[ColumnName],TRUE)

That fixed it, thanks so much.

In case anyone else is interested, the documentation on this is here. 

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