Prefiled Form

For example Mr.A ordered 3 things Apple, Banana and Mango. So currently Mr.A is filling the form 3 times for specific products.

But I want to create a prefilled form which fetch the last entry of form like at first Mr.A filled - Sales order id (2323), Product (Banana), Qty(2), Price (Rs.10) then when he saved it and opened the form again the last entered values were automatically prefilled and now he just need to change product, qty and price.

I have tried this with 2 different sheet like Sales Order and Sales Order Details but due to some circumstances I have to do it in one sheet.

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Create an action of this type


and set this to the forms Form Saved action


See if this is what you're looking for.

View solution in original post


Create an action of this type


and set this to the forms Form Saved action


See if this is what you're looking for.

Thank you so much๐Ÿ™‚

Is it possible to copy only specific rows from the last entered data?

You can try

Action 1: Add a new row to another table using values from this row. Here Table to Add to is the same table that you are coping the data from.

Action 2: Go to another view withing this App.

LINKTOROW(MAXROW("your table", "_ROWNUMBER"), "the Form of your table")

Action 3: Grouped: execute a sequence of actions to run Action 1 & 2

Set Action 3 to the Forms save envent.

Sorry! I am not understanding. Can you please explain it with photos or screenshots?

Just look for the types of action I described in my post. 

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