Problem with an action

Hello dears,
I need a little help, I'm trying to do the following:



The idea is to automate this calculation every time there are changes in the "Clients" table, it's something I've done on other occasions but this time it doesn't work. I'm sure my logic is failing at some point but I can't figure it out.

I hope someone helps me.
Thank you very much!

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You are returning filtered key values of "Clients".

You should instead filter on "Companies"

Hello @TeeSee1 ,

thank you very much for your reply.
I don't think that's the problem, in my application "Clients" and "Companies" mean the same thing.


What I meant was you need to get CAMPAIGN key values in the above FILTER because you are filtering the CAMPAIGN table.

I apologize, I realize that I have expressed myself poorly.
In my app I have two tables, "Clients" and "Campaigns", I am trying to do the following:
Get a list of all the clients that are in the same campaign -> FILTER("Clients", ([CAMPAIGN] = [_THISROW].[CAMPAIGN])).
Then calculate the average number of days it took to respond to my campaign -> AVERAGE(Clients[RESPONSE IN (DAYS)])

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