Push Notification for 7 days

I have a Projects Table in which a column Name is End date.

I want push notification on the basis of if project end date is in next 7 days, system should send a pushup notification once on daily basis till next 7 days.


Please Help

@Suvrutt_Gurjar  @TeeSee1 

0 6 142

Have you tried setting up a Condition like

([End Date] - 7) <= TODAY()

in your bot event?



The expression is showing an error, Unable to find Column End Date.

Do I enable ForEachRowInTable Option and select the respective table?

The bot needs to be attached to your table.

My screen shot is just a sample.

I have Used the expression given by you but it is not triggering the message when I update the project End date.

Show us what you actually have by attaching screenshots.

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