QR Code Problem

I have this code: 

CONCATENATE(“https://chart.googleapis.com/chart?chs=100x100&choe=UTF-8&cht=qr&chl=https://www.appsheet.com/start/...",[Document ID]) it shows the QR Code.

However, when I try scanning it through my phone the content of the QR code shows: "https://www.appsheet.com/start/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/"

the continuation of the URL is not showing? which is ---> "#view=Documents_Detail&row=",[Document ID])"


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Can you provide the URL you are trying to encode in your QR code. The URL "https://www.appsheet.com/start/#view=Documents_Detail&row=is missing the app identifier

my bad, i just changed the ID of my app to XXXXX for security purposes. 
Btw, here is the full link.

it stop in "#"..

I have had to use ENCODEURL() twice to get working QR codes. Below are examples to try. Replace the shortened "https://www.appsheet.com/start/..." URL with your actual one and see if that works

"https://chart.googleapis.com/chart?chs=300x300&cht=qr&chl="&ENCODEURL(ENCODEURL("https://www.appsheet.com/start/..."&[Document ID]))


"https://chart.googleapis.com/chart?chs=100x100&choe=UTF-8&cht=qr&chl="&ENCODEURL(ENCODEURL("https://www.appsheet.com/start/..."&[Document ID]))


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