Quick Edits Fail to Save

I have a table that allows the user to view details of a row, then make quick edits in the form of 'Notes' and log the date the notes were made.

This has worked without issue, until yesterday, when it stopped saving one, or both of these quick edits.

I note that when I select a date, the app attempts to sync those changes, then when I enter notes, the sync counter increases from 1 to 2.

If you back out of the detail screen, then go back in, most times one, if not both of the edits have no saved.

I have not made any recent changes to this part of the application, and I have regenerated the structure of the table in case that was the issue.

Is there any way to add a 'Save' button to a Detail screen, instead of relying on the automatic updates, in case that's the issue?

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Check the Audit Log for errors.  There is most likely some issue preventing the updates from going through.


Screen Shot 2022-08-15 at 8.09.37 AM.png


Looking at the log, it appears to show that the task was a success, yet the data just disappears.

This issue only appeared yesterday and still persists across all accounts.

If you Edit one QuickEdit at a time - meaning allow some elapsed time between edits, does it always work?

Do you have automation that is triggered after making a QuickEdit?

I suspect you may have an Edit order problem where the value is actually getting written but then is OVERWRITTEN.  This can happen easily if you make individual Edits (such as with QuickEdits) and each one could potentially trigger automation.  

To confirm, submit a couple sample QuickEdits and then immediately go to your data source to watch the data edits get applied.  This is easy if its a Google sheet,  you can simply leave it open and watch the updates get applied.  For other datasources you may need to perform constant refreshes to see the updates come through.

Watch intently.  If you see that the value is written and then disappears then that confirms my suspicion above.

If you Edit one QuickEdit at a time - meaning allow some elapsed time between edits, does it always work?

Weirdly, no. The behaviour is inconsistent. Here's what I've observed:
Editing the [Date] column almost always works as expected.
Editing the [Notes] column regularly fails, but will sometimes work.

Editing both together used to work, but now sometimes [Date] will save, but [Notes] generally will not.

Editing one at a time will work more regularly than both together, despite the app showing more than one task to complete.

I don't see any data being written in the data file before being changed.

The Detail page disappears when the data is written though, which is new.


Do you have automation that is triggered after making a QuickEdit?

There is no automation in the application at all.

The Google Sheets document that we use to run the business has a number of separate apps that reference it simultaneously. I have not been working on this particular app at all, we suddenly lost the functionality during normal use.

Is this in a dashboard view?

No, it's a detail view from a slice.

Please post a screenshot of the entire slice row filter condition expression.

The slice is just to filter down columns, rather than process any data.


There's no action on save for the Detail view either.


Detail Views don't support Behavior actions anyway.  QuickEdits are a special case per column.  However, QuickEdits do count as row edits and will trigger automation/Bots (which you mentioned you don't have).

Understanding how your Slice is filtering is important.  In your case [Associate Name] must have a value and I assume your view is built on this slice to select rows into your Detail View.  Since you are getting the "No items selected" message while on the Detail View, something MUST be blanking out the [Associate Name] for the row in the Detail view removing it from the Slice which in turn removes it from any views - including the displayed Detail View.

While my suspicion above may not have been totally accurate, I still think you have some "behind-the-scenes" processing impacting your updates.

You mentioned you have NO automation Bots in the app at all.  Do you have any  sheet formulas?

I think you're probably right. There is another behaviour that I've observed previously that I just assumed to be part of the process, but now I'm having second thoughts.

During the sync process, the images attached to each row (that indicate overall performance) will disappear, like so:


There are no sheet formulas either, mainly because they have caused issues for me in the past, so I brought everything in-app.

I agree that there's obviously an issue with the slice, or some function of it. I wonder if I should try slicing another way, or accessing the data directly?

A couple of things that came to me after replying that I thought noteworthy:

  • I lean pretty heavily on VCs, thanks to not running sheet formulas. The disappearing image is powered by a VC.
  • I wonder if the view is the issue? Might it be worthwhile connecting to a form, instead of a Detail view?

Images rely heavily on caching in the web world for faster retrieval of the image.  I don't know what happens with caching if using a VC due to the fact that VC's are re-calculated on every Sync.  I would try changing the column into a "normal" table column and see if Image retrieval improves.

I don't think the view is the problem but I would recommend trying the use of a Form instead of the Detail View with QuickEdits and see if there is any improvement.

As for using VC's heavily,  I wouldn't worry about it unless the Sync times are getting uncomfortable.  VC's will take up most of the Sync time and can get worse over time as tables grow in row size.

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