REF_ROWS Expression not displaying all matching records

Bronze 1
Bronze 1


I have a table called "vendors" that has a list of food suppliers.  I also have a table called "distribution warehouses" that lists all the warehouses of each vendor.  There is a key column in each table called "ID" which we use to link warehouses to vendors.  In my vendors table, I have a virtual column that displays all warehouses linked to a particular vendor, using :

Screen Shot 2022-10-31 at 8.50.05 AM.png

The issue that I'm having, is that the expression is not displaying all results, and also does not show the number of results correctly.

Screen Shot 2022-10-31 at 8.53.53 AM.png

 If this were working correctly, the list would display 16 records in the list instead of the 5 listed, and also, i'm wondering why it displays "0" for the number of records at the top.  Any advice would be appreciated!  


0 3 71

Bronze 1
Bronze 1

I realize that I should mention, the column in my distribution warehouses table uses data validation to ensure that all entries match the ID of an existing vendor, so i can confirm that the ID of the records that are not showing in the list, do in fact have the correct ID assigned to them.

Sorry, I should have mentioned that i'm a novice to appsheet.  I've figured out that I need to adjust the max nested rows attribute, to display the entire list of matching records.  However, the number of matches still does not correctly display at the top of the list.

Screen Shot 2022-11-01 at 11.15.18 AM.png

When you see the Count not matching the number of displayed rows, I have found it means that something is not setup correctly between the two tables and/or any Slices involved.

As a rule of thumb, you should never need to create a REF_ROWS() column.  They will be automatically inserted based on the column configurations.  Additionally, because of the nature of how REF_ROWS() works, you do not need validation to ensure the rows have the correct ID.  The auto-generated version will based on the correct key value and AppSheet will determine that based on context - even if the key columns are named the same.

Can you show your columns lists for each of the table involved so that we may inspect for any oddities?

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