Ran out of resources to run an expression issues


I have an expression on a virtual column that I am trying to run as below, but this times out due to ran out of resources error , If I break the expression down into two parts with virtual columns it works.

I assume there is something in the code that might be causing a recursive effect, just a guess

Any help gratefully received

If(([IsSingle Item] = Yes),
([_THISROW].[ProductsID] = [Product])
Product Assemblies[Production Cost],
([ProductID] = [_THISROW].[ProductsID]))))).

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You have two multirow nested expressions that will have a logarithmic effect on the expression evaluation time.

If there are 10 records in the  "ProductCost" table, the LOOKUP() expression will iterate 100 times because you have  a nested MAX( SELECT...) running on the same table within the LOOKUP() expression.

You could possibly split the LOOKUP() expression into a slice and a single SELECT() based on that slice or you may want to try something similar.

So one could try a slice called say Latest_Costs  on the table "ProductCosts" with a slice filter expression something like 

[Key Column] = MAXROW("ProductCost", "Updated",  [Product] =[_THISROW].[Product])

[Updated] is assumed to be a date column. This slice will give only one row each for the latest updated cost for each [Product]

Then your SELECT expression could be 


SELECT(Latest_Costs[Costs], [_THISROW].[ProductsID] = [Product])

And final expression could be 

If(([IsSingle Item] = Yes),
SELECT(Latest_Costs[Costs], [_THISROW].[ProductsID] = [Product]),
Product Assemblies[Production Cost],
([ProductID] = [_THISROW].[ProductsID])))))


Not tested. Please test well.


Looks like an elegant solution, will try it out thanks


Have created the slice ok but the first part of the expression returns this error

SELECT(Latest_Costs[Costs], [_THISROW].[ProductsID] = [Product])

The expression is valid but its result type 'List' is not one of the expected types: Price

Is this because the slice is not returning unique values for the product ID

Oh yes. Sorry.

Please try

ANY(SELECT(Latest_Costs[Costs], [_THISROW].[ProductsID] = [Product]))




The expression now works and it pulls data back however when I save the app I am still having the same resource issue.

I am wondering if it might be better to use a calculated field using a function in mysql which is the database that appsheet uses

How many rows you have in the table and then the slice.

Also would you update where are you using this expression- virtual column or some where else and for what purpose- displaying to users etc?




I have about 50 rows in Products and ProductAsseblies however this will rise to over a 1,000

I am using an action to update the production cost table from the products table

Will try using a slice on the productsassemblies table and group by on product id to see if this will help

I believe then it is some other issue.

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