Ref Row with slice does not filter

hi, I have a refrow on a slice, but the data is not filtered


"Pagamenti anno corrente" is a slice of the table "Pagamenti"  that filters the rows for the current season only


In the inline view, however, the data is not filtered


In this case the payment of 1000 euros should not appear because they are from another season

but in the slice view work fine


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i found the error
In the virtual column I changed the reference to the table and pointed to the slice. I thought the REF_ROWS rule was enough

View solution in original post


the strange thing is that in "photo 3", 1 row is counted, but 2 are shown

i found the error
In the virtual column I changed the reference to the table and pointed to the slice. I thought the REF_ROWS rule was enough

Hi, I'm having the same issue and for the life of me, I cannot figure it out. Could you please tell me what you did to fix it.

I have my formula set to REF_ROWS("Table1" , "Column") where "Table1" is a slice of "Table" that has filters that work but doesn't seem to be working for me in the inline view.

Nevermind, I figured out what you meant like a minute after I posted this, I feel dumb now๐Ÿ˜…

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