Reference Column Showing RowID Column Values Instead of Label or Key Column Value

Hello Community,

I have been banging my head against the wall on this issue for several hours and have not been able to figure this out or Google Fu anything helpfull.

Here is a table view I have with the Ref columns [section] and [materialUpstream]


[section] points to table sectionTable, shown here below, which has [sectionName] as the label, but the above view is showing the RowID


I have the same issue with the [materialUpstream] column, which references back onto functionTable[functionName], which has [functionName] as the label.

Every forum post and article I can find says that the Ref should show the label column of the referenced table, but that isn't happening here. What am I missing?


Thank you in advance.



0 3 220

 A Ref type column's value for each row must match a value from the referenced table's key column. It looks like your Ref columns contain values from the referenced tables' Row ID columns but at least the sectionTable has a different column designated as the key. Either designate the Row ID column as the sectionTable's key or change the values of the functionTable's [section] column to match values from the sectionTable's sectionName column.

Hello dbaum,

Thank you for your kind response.

Here is a snapshot of the underlying data table


The data table shows each row as having a sectionTable[sectionName] entry. When I click on a cell to select a Ref option it shows like below:


Not sure how to set it to specifically have the [sectionName] value as the value, as you suggest.

Thank you in advance.


@JackKaplan wrote:

Not sure how to set it to specifically have the [sectionName] value as the value, as you suggest.

You likely can't if you configure the reference within the database. To accomplish that, you'd have to manage the reference solely within the app's table configurations.

Regardless, my suggestion is to rely on the Row ID column as the table key.

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