Remove Column from Detail View

New Member

Hello AppSheet Community

I have tried everything I know how to do to remove the long stops column from view, but toggling “Show?” to OFF will not make it disappear from the Detail View. How do I omit the long list in the picture? Thank you very much.


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New Member

Here is the SHOW IF formula I am attempting:

Please try the expression as

AND(CONTEXT(“ViewType”)=“Form”, CONTEXT(“ViewType”)<>“Detail”)

I tried exactly this and nothing changed. I don’t know what’s going on.

Per @Suvrutt_Gurjar, it’s detail (singular), not details (plural).

Is this setting also need to be ON?

or will the CONTEXT expression above is sufficient?

Yes, that setting must be ON.

Perhaps you’re targeting the wrong column?


I changed the display name of the column. Products appears as Stops.

Could you please repost the screenshot of the new expression?

Thank you. In that case could you please try an expression something like below

CONTEXT(“ViewType”)= “Form”

Thank you for your help @Suvrutt_Gurjar, @Steve and @Heru. The problem was the Apply show-if constraints universally option. When I toggled it to on the problem was solved.


@Steve @Suvrutt_Gurjar @Heru
Is this a new/recent property? I don’t remember seeing this before this post.

It’s been a part of AppSheet as long as I’ve been using it.

Oh great! Now I have to question the state of my mind!

Serves you right after munging my understanding of Editable?

To share my test when try to reproduce this post:

I saw a behavior that even by making Show? to OFF, the column still showing in a detail view (See#1 and #2 in picture below)

The column type is TEXT, a Virtual Column Type.

Column is hidden ONLY after Apply-ShowIf-constraints-universally to ON (#4)

It does creates some confusion around when Show? is OFF but apps still sees the column.

Maybe it behave like this because of column is a virtual column?

The column in my particular situation was NOT a virtual column.

Ahh, but there is a conflict here. I have seen this and actually taken advantage of this behavior in the past. And it doesn’t matter if its a VC or normal column.

The conflict is that at some point the [Help] column was explicitly selected to be shown in the view. It can only be selected for the view when Show is “on”. When Show is “off” the column does not appear for selection in the column list on the view.

Later, the [Help] column was explicitly set to NOT show - Show set to “off”.

So which explicit developer action should be honored in the app?

It seems that AppSheet has taken the design approach to still show the column in the view in this situation, which I think I agree with.

In this situation, it then doesn’t really make sense to set the “Apply show-if constraints universally” to force the [Help] column to not show (it may cause other unwanted side affects). Because, the column simply needs to be removed from the views’ list of selected columns.

Thanks for explaining this. Now I understand.

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