Reset Dashboard Action

Hey All

Is it possible to navigate to the a dashboard but reset it so it has nothing selected as if loading the app for the first time?

Some of my dashboards are grouped real deep, I need to do this but would be nice to have an action to just reset it, action to go back to same dashboard.

Been looking at the url etc, not exactly sure how one would do this but must be possible.

Any help insight would be appreciated.

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Hmmmโ€ฆ I donโ€™t think soโ€ฆ

The problem you have is that you essentially need to use LinkToRow() - but without a row selected. (Which you canโ€™t do.)

Sometimes I create โ€œstand inโ€ rows in tables for my dashboards, something to show when โ€œnothingโ€ is selected that has some text in specific fields that say things like โ€œSelect whatever to get startedโ€ or what-have-you:

If you implemented something like this, then you can easily LinkToRow() to that record.

Yes correct, but if a user is deep into a grouped table view, this will still be the case and they will need to navigate out of it.

Yeahโ€ฆ true.

Youโ€™re right, we need a way to wipe the dashboard.

@morgan do you know of any way we might accomplish this by hacking the deeplink url? Is there a command or something, a variable we can add into the mix, that clears the dashboard selections?

New Member

Hmm, I will need to investigate this โ€“ I thought you should be able to do this simply with LINKTOROW() as mentioned above. @Adam understands the inner workings of this. Iโ€™ll consult with him and get back to you all.

Do you have any updates on this? I could really use this right now.

Some groupings are just not feasible without a easy reset.

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