SImple Map

I need a Map App that shows addresses on a map. I need a button to click that shows that address has been visited. It would be cool if the button also either changed the map icons color to reflect it has been visited, or removes it from the map view.  I'm not helpless, but I'm having trouble with the button.

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You would not be able to put buttons on the map.  You can tap a map pin to open a detail view and that can have a button.

You can also use Format Rules to change the map pin colors and even the map pin icon.

The idea here is that you setup a button for you map item so when you tap the map pin and get the Detail view you can then tap the Visited button.  This button action then marks the row as visited (sets a column value in some way).  Then a Format rule sees this column value has changed and applies a color/icon to the map pin item (each address has its own default action item that you would assign the color/icon) to reflect in the map view.

Lots of generic details, I know.  I would start with first getting the map view setup to show those pins.  Then setup the Visited button.  Once you're ready for the Format Rul and still need help...come back to the community.

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