Saving files to exisiting folders

Hi Community,

I created an app to integrate with my teams' data collection efforts. It is working great but I have about 200 folders in use and I am trying to have files uploaded through the app connect to the existing folders. I copied all the folders into my app storage folder and have the correct relative path but the app creates a new folder instead of connecting to the original? It does seem to connect to folders until I use an expression, then it creates a folder with the expression values. I tried making a virtual column to create a string of the folder path but that did not work either. Does anyone know a work-around for this? 

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In the AppSheet table column for the files (or images), you will want to specify the file path.  Otherwise, a default will be used.  See image below showing a dynamically allocated folder path.

I don't know what kind of datasource you are using, but if it is a sheet, be aware that AppSheet uses the location of the sheet as the "root" location.  So in the example column definition below, the sheet must reside in the folder ABOVE "Work_Images".

If you are using a database with cloud storage for the files, I am not certain what the path information is expected to be.  I would assume it is a fully qualified path starting from the cloud service root folder. 


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