Scheduled automation not working


I've had a weekly automation (with a daily send) setup for years. I've recently changed the setting so the automation is only done once a week. Unfortunately, for some reason the automation isn't happening.

I've checked the monitor, and it doesn't show the automations. I've also manually tested it and it works fine. When manually done I get the email with attachement and the bot shows up in the monitor.

I made the change yesterday morning for an automation at noon. Do I have to make the change prior to the automation day/time?

What else could I be doing wrong?

Thanks for your help

0 8 119

I just can think of the probability of Security filters messing with your data, if you have a condition in place that depends on data that's usually filtered.

Can you share your config so we can have a better idea?

What config are you looking for? The settings of the event or process?

I also noticed I have duplicate processes and tasks. Could that have impacted the automation in any way?

I didn't get any answer back, I'm unsure what specific information you are looking for.

Thanks again for your help

I'm sorry, my work is my main occupation.

The settings of the whole bot.

You can ignore the Process and Task for now

Here are screenshots. Let me know if you need any more information.Screenshot 2022-06-08 11.10.59 AM.pngScreenshot 2022-06-08 11.10.40 AM.pngScreenshot 2022-06-08 11.10.25 AM.png

How many emails do you expect to receive?

About 30. For some reason I changed my setting to receive it today and everything worked fine. I'll set it back for next Monday and hope the automation will work correctly.

Thanks for your help. I'll write back on Monday if things don't go according to plan.

What config are you looking for? The settings of the event or process?

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