Security Filter on ENUMLIST - Need help with Expression

Need help with an expression for our issue. We are using the following security filter with minor success. Our application is a dispatch app where we need the ability to assign multiple technicians to one appointment for visibility.  When only one technician is assigned, the filter functions as expected. 

Appointment Table Security Filter

IN([Tech], SELECT(Users[Email], [Email] = USEREMAIL()))

The [Tech] column returns an email result from the users table with " , " separator ( , When two techs are assigned, they both are removed from visibility. What are we missing in this process?



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Hey man,

you could try this:

IN(USEREMAIL(), SPLIT([Tech], ","))

View solution in original post


Hey man,

you could try this:

IN(USEREMAIL(), SPLIT([Tech], ","))

Thank You! This was an easy fix. I was moving towards the split expression and just needed an example. 

Screenshot 2024-01-24 at 2.53.48โ€ฏPM.png

You just need it with the opposite order.. IN(USEREMAIL(),[Tech]), EDIT.. if [Tech] is an EnumList column.

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