Select Record from enum list of another table and show in separate view

Bronze 3
Bronze 3



I am having a table A and Table B

Table A has a column called Features 

Feature is a EnumList with base type Text

Table B also  have a column called  Specification 

Specification is a EnumList with base type Text


What i am expecting is when i add a record in Table A with some feature like TV ,Camera 

I need to select the row in Table B with the Features value added in Table A



Features and Speciation has the same values like Tv, Camera 


I tried a expression with slice but it does not work,

INDEX(SELECT(Table A[Features],[USEREMAIL]=USEREMAIL()),COUNT(select(Table A[Features],[USEREMAIL]=USEREMAIL())))=[_THISROW].[Features],=


Please suggest me expression to filter the row  


0 8 1,117

Bronze 3
Bronze 3

Thanks for the suggestion @Joseph_Seddik 


But i need a expression for a slice ,which i will be having a separate view with that slice of Table B ,

that view should have the rows which match the condition   

I'm sorry I don't understand what do you need the slice for. Also, your expression seems incomplete so I couldn't guess the purpose of the slice. 

In any case, your expression seems to supposedly return a text value, while the slice row filter condition is a condition, meaning whatever expression you put there should return a Yes/No value. To construct the slice, this Yes/No expression would be run once for every row in the table, if it returns a Yes, then the row will be included in the slice, otherwise, it will be excluded.

Still, I believe you'll be able to achieve your objective applying the principle of the guide I quoted.

Bronze 3
Bronze 3

Actually @Joseph_Seddik ,what i am expecting is

Table A has a column name Features - Enum List

Table B has column name Specifications - Enum List

Just I need to filter the rows in Table B which the condition Features =Specification


This is exactly what dependent dropdown is about. Please read the guide.

@Joseph_Seddik has provided good information for linking two dropdowns, but it actually sounds like you are trying to link two tables which have the same data in different columns. It might actually be better to have a look at creating a reference between the tables.


appsheet_rebrand_logo.pngReferences Between Tables
 Learn about references, when to create them, and how to use them so your data makes sense.


Specifically your question about a slice is strange though, slices are used to show a subset of a table based upon some pre-existing criteria. You can't "slice table B based on selected value in table A" because you don't know the context of table A when defining the slice.


appsheet_rebrand_logo.pngSlices: The Essentials
 Display only certain rows or columns of your table with slices.


I think perhaps it would be useful if you provided a bit more detail about what exactly you are trying to do. If you are in a view, looking at a Table A record and want to see the associated Table B records, then reference would be the way to go. If you want to select a Feature and then select a corresponding Specification, then dependent dropdown is probably the way to go. Neither would really need slices though.

I just thought of one other thing based on the question title. If you are specifically wanting to jump to another view, then take a look at the following article in the help documentation.


 Constructed deep link to filtered view


SPLIT(Table A[Feature])

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