Select a key from the dictionary


For one column in my table (lets say Table A), I would like to select a person's ID from the dictionary.

Because there may be many people with the same name and surname, even living in the same city, even on the same street ... I would need to see a name, and surname with complete address information to make a decision about which person's ID should be selected.

I have defined a View "People" with the data of people stored in the database which is launched via LINKTOFILTEREDVIEW from an Action.

I would like to capture a key from the record selected in the "People" view and store it in Table A.

Maybe the direction I used is wrong and the would be a better/easier way to achieve it.

I will greatly appreciate any suggestions.










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Hi @Valdi 

So, you have a Table B with names and addresses, but you don't know which is the one that links to the Names and IDs in Table A?

You may be able to use a FILTER() function to achieve this.


FILTER("Table B", ([Name] = [_THISROW].[Name]))


This should return a list of values that match the selected name, but it does kind of depend on how your data in Table B is organised.

To pull a specific value, you could also try using SELECT()

Alternatively, you could try using REF_ROWS 

Someone more knowledgeable in the AppSheet system than I may be able to tell you which is more efficient.

Hi @Qiro 

To be more specific, I have a table with an ORDERS that includes a CustomerID.

There is a table with Customers including KEY, name, surname, and address information.

To assign a Customer to the order I would like to pop up a frame with the detailed customer data, select the right record and return the KEY to the ORDER.

I would like to use a dictionary to select the right record, with full address information instead of a Dropdown with the name.

Ich verwende eine Verkettung in meinen Schlรผsselspalte [Kunde] in einer รคhnlichen App:

CONCATENATE([Nachname]," ",[Vorname]," ",[Strasse],","," ",[PLZ]," ",[Ort])


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