Select data from a rows that have a column (Yes/No) so only the rows with the tick yes can shoq

Hello Dear, 

I am trying to make a workbook for shipment tracking and in the cell "client" I have a "ref" table "Subjects".Just FYI in the "subject table" are listed all buyers, sellers, suppliers, etc

So when I select the Client name I want that only the clients that have the column ticked with yes to be shown and not those.

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We need to know WHERE in the app you are trying to filter the clients list. 

For example, if you are trying to set the list of valid Clients for a dropdown list you would use the expression:

FILTER("Clients", [Your Column Name] = "Yes")

But if you are trying to create a Slice then you would simply use the expression in the Row Criteria of:

 [Your Column Name] = "Yes"

If these don't help, please give us more details. 

Hello Dear, 

Thanks for your reply, however the matter is as below:

In fact as for slicers I am using well. However, when I am entering a form (it is regarding transportration/freight forwarding) Lets say so, in the list of subjects I have WALMART which has multiple locations. So, when I am ordering a truck to send goods to walmart I want the column (destination) to show only the tables who are listed under the list of walmart. 

Tables are as below:

1. Table of Subjects/Companies who has all the data for the company. 

2. Table 2 - is the DELIVERY ADDRESSES  this column is interconnected with Subjects, so when I add delivery addresses for each client they show in dropdown list of the clients. 

3. Is the working/booking form, where I Insert data for the client, let;s say as below:

Client Name Walmart:

Delivery Address: (Ref Table) to the (Delivery Addresses, where the Subject Name is Walmart) so when the client is Walmart, I need only the addresses of the subjects Walmart, and not of others (like Target or Traders Joe).\


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