Selected Enum price automatically multiplied with quantity

Hello again! please help me with this one ๐Ÿ˜ž 

My ProcedureID is ref in my Procedure table where my Procedure Cost came from.

I just wanted to add some solution in my [Total Procedure Cost] column that if I selected one of these ("Bonding", "Extraction", "Denture", "Filling") in my [ProcedureID] (Enum), I want it to automatically multiply with my [Tooth Involved] * [Procedure Cost]. The rest in my [ProcedureID] will display its original cost.

Expected outcome:


โ€ƒI really appreciate any help you can provide.๐Ÿ˜Š

Solved Solved
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Sorry for a typo, please test with the following,

Please try 

IF(IN([Procedure ID],  LIST ("Prcty3" , "Prcty4" , "Prcty5" , "Prcty6")) ,

([Procedure ID].[Procedure Cost])* [Tooth Involved],

[Procedure Cost]



View solution in original post


Based on the details shared, please pull the [Procedure Cost] from the Procedure table into the child table ( where Procedure table ) is referenced.  Please use an expression something like [Procedure ID].[Procedure Cost] to pull the [Procedure Cost] into the child table.

Then you can get the total cost for the procedure by 

([Procedure ID].[Procedure Cost])* [Tooth Involved]


This works, but I don't want my other [ProcedureID] to be multiplied by [Tooth involved].. ๐Ÿ˜”


โ€ƒI want teeth cleaning and whitening to be displayed by their original [Procedure Cost] even if there's [tooth involved] inputted.

IF([Procedure ID]="Extraction",

([Procedure ID].[Procedure Cost])* [Tooth Involved],

[Procedure Cost]


Tried to do this but it disappeared in my form.



Please try 

IF(IN([Procedure ID]= LIST ("Prcty3" , "Prcty4" , "Prcty5" , "Prcty6")) ,

([Procedure ID].[Procedure Cost])* [Tooth Involved],

[Procedure Cost]


It says "Cannot compare Ref with List in ([ProcedureID] = LIST("Prcty3","Prcty4","Prcty5","Prcty6"))"



Sorry for a typo, please test with the following,

Please try 

IF(IN([Procedure ID],  LIST ("Prcty3" , "Prcty4" , "Prcty5" , "Prcty6")) ,

([Procedure ID].[Procedure Cost])* [Tooth Involved],

[Procedure Cost]



THANK YOU SO MUCH! Ur amazing!

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