Self Distribute White Label Apps

How do you self distribute white label apps? Do you still just send users a link to download the application?

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For Android, you can share the APK file with your users. However outside of Apple Store you cannot install an external iOS application.

Levent- How does it work to share the apk with Android usersโ€ฆwhat is that process?

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When you create and deploy a white lable โ€œnativeโ€ app for iOS, where is the data stored? Does each person who downloads and installs the app have their own data to work with?
My app is mostly for delivery and store locations. Each driver or in this case, app user, would obviously only want to track their own deliveries, not mine.
If I update the app, will they be able to see the update and not lose data?

The data will be stored in whatever data sources the app is configured to use. Making an app white-label does not change how the app interacts with the data. So if your app used a spreadsheet before going white-label, it will continue using the same spreadsheet after going white-label.

Not inherently. You can design your app to work that way, but white-label has no bearing on it.

Again, not a white-label issue. Because the data is not stored on the device, thereโ€™s no chance that an app upgrade or reinstall will affect the data.

Was wondering about the part where you can design the app to work with separate data. Do you have any links you could share that could help assist me with setting this up?
Iโ€™ve created an app I would like to begin distributing, but would like it to be based on that their data. Any and all help would be majorly appreciated.

New Member

Thanks. I just read another post you made regarding this that answered a couple other questions I had too. Thanks again for your continued help.
I have a couple other drivers I have shown this to, but I donโ€™t want to be responsible for maintaining an account that has their data. Partitioning wasnโ€™t an option.
Knowing they can set up their own data source is more logical. Iโ€™ll try to research this more. Thanks!

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