Sent email to 15 records user at clicking a action button

I am having the 15 records in employee table,
I need to send a email workflow to all 15 employee , when I click the action button Sent email
Suggest any idea to achieve

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1 = Create an action that sets EmployeeTable[ColumnX]=โ€œSend Emailโ€
2 = Create an action that sets EmployeeTable[ColumnX]=""
3 = Create an action that โ€œexecute a sequence of actionsโ€ that does 1 then two above
4 = Create an action that โ€œexecute an action on a set of rowsโ€ where โ€œreferenced actionโ€ is 3 above.
5 = Make action 4 above to โ€œDisplay prominantlyโ€. 1, 2 & 3 set to โ€œdo not displayโ€
6 = Create a workflow so that it sends an email when EmployeeTable[ColumnX]=โ€œSend Emailโ€

This should set EmployeeTable[ColumnX]=โ€œSend Emailโ€ then clear it on all 15 rows. Each change will trigger a seperate workflow. Note you need the workflow email to be set to EmployeeTable[Email Address]

hope this helps

check out this article
There is a topic called " Sending Email from an Action Button" that shows an example.
And in your case when you are creating your workflow rule, you can set the โ€œToโ€ filed with an expression like this โ€“ โ€œEmployeeTable[Email]โ€. This will send the email to a list of addresses.

Hope this helps!

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