Set value of usersetting by action

Does anyone has any tips to set the value of the usersettings by action?

I understand Action can update/delete/add to table/slice as target table list not picking up usersetttings even we put some usersetting item to show.

Not deeply checking and investing but API could get this done?

1 9 1,261

Platinum 4
Platinum 4

Not possible.

Thank you Steve, then i will post to feature request.

Good idea!
I would like to use USERSETTINGS to remember a form selection, so that it is available for the next entry.

Does this fearture already in Appsheet ?

It does not.

I wish when User take an action logout all values on usersettings will be reset to initial.


Any know whats refer documentation when say: "4. Use in actions that modify UserSettings"

In the end part of

I also asked about this in advance of last month's office hours. The question wasn't addressed during the session, and I haven't seen a response. Potentially, it will be addressed in the promised recap post including written Q&A.


This might help.

If you mimic the usersettings by creating a new table, you can use action to edit any values. Also, by doing this, no sync required for new settings to make your app in effect.

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