Setting up notifications when the google sheet is updated

Hi all,

I want to send notifications to specific users when my google sheet is updated. I've read that there is no native way to do that in Appsheet but there are some workarounds. The issue I'm running into is that the google sheet that I'm pulling data into Appsheet from, is actually pulling data from another spreadsheet, so I can't seem to find a workaround that actually works! Has anybody run into this and have a solution?

Thanks in advance!

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If that other gSheet is manually updated, could you connect that gSheet to your app so the Bot would be triggered from there using AppSheet Event extension?

Hi AleksiAlkio,

Thanks for the response! I had to completely reformat the data in order for it to pull into Appsheet in an appropriate manner, which is why it's pulling from another sheet. If I use the source sheet to trigger the notification, there is no way to specify which specific user to send it to (which user's data was modified and therefore needs to receive a notification). 

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