Show a screen for 20 seconds and move to next screen

New Member

I have created a qr code attendence app for our office, where it is been designed in such way that first sceeen is qr code scanner (i.e camera comes up) post the qr scan would like to show the name of the employee and the screen should be ready for next employee scan ( it should be back to qr code scanner screen) how to achieve. Do not want manual intervention

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It is not currently possible in Appsheet to delay an action for a set amount of time like this.

New Member

Thanks,Any way out. Also users signed in and if we remove them in user list are still active, how to sign them out.

There is no built-in way to do this.

This is a flaw. Suggest App sheet to look into it they can check the user on app update sync process if user is not authorised they can sign out such userโ€™s

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