Show an action only in a specific reference view in a dashboard view

Bronze 1
Bronze 1

In a dashboard view, with more than one reference view inside is it possible show an action only in a specific view without open that view?

with context(viewtype)="Dashboard" we can show action only in the dashboard

with context(view)="Reference name view" we can show the action when we open that specific view.

is there some condition to show the action in one part of a complete dashboard?


0 8 120

Have you tried to use the position option as "Inline"?

Yes, this solution works, but it's not the desired one. Since it's a dashboard for changing the status of the same row, the various reference views belong to different slices of the same table. So, for example, I would like the ADD action to be shown only in the first slice and not in all of them because conceptually something is added at the beginning of the steps and not at the end. (And the same goes for other intermediate actions)


How about adding another slice so you could play with the "Update mode" option?

thanks, but I don't know this option, can you explain it to me?


When you create a slice, you have the option to select Adds, Updates, Deletes or Read_only. If you create a new slice using exact same options than your existing slice, but you remove the Adds and you use it for one of your views, it hides the Add action button from that view.

ok good idea, thanks for the suggest but solve only Add action button! 
I'm looking something to chose different actions in different slice.

Would you please give one example. What kind of action you are talking about?

Thank you for the support. I have a dashboard view that displays 5 different entries derived from 5 slices of the same table. I have an action (go to another view within this app) that is currently displayed on all 5 entries of the dashboard. Is it possible to display it only on a specific one directly in the dashboard screen (specifically, it is possible with context(view)="Reference name view")?

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