Show duplicated values in an Enumlist

Hi there,
Is there a possibility to force Enumlist to show values โ€œnon-uniquelyโ€ so to say? Imagine the following list: Apple, Apple, Apple, Orange, Lemon, Cherry, Cherry.

Iโ€™ve created a Valid_if condition from a list with duplicate values in google sheets but appsheet automatically return just unique values. (so following the example: Apple, Orange, Lemon, Cherry)

I want the full list (duplicates included) to be shown in the Enumlist to allow the same values to be selected multiple times.

Is there a way to do it?

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Hi, @GM_Apps up to how many duplicates do you need. What is your use case/ There may be another way to obtain your required result.

Thanks @Lynn, imagine something like this, there are a bunch of options and I want an easy way to pick several of those options potentially even multiple times. Both these two goals should be easy to achieve without moving 200 times between different views.

The result, at least the logic, should be something like the screenshot Iโ€™m attaching.

The Enumlist solution that I asked help for was an attempt to achieve this yet not in a very elegant way.

Hi @GM_Apps Have you had a look at the Order Capture and Inventory sample apps? There is a link to the sample apps at the top of this page.

Hi @Lynn I did but they do a differnt thing, they mange signle products/order individually. I need the result to be printed in the same cell since the Iโ€™m using Apps Script to manipulate the data.

So, using the data from the screenshot the output in the google sheet cell should be Avocado,Avocado,Avocado,Goma wakame. Thatโ€™s what iโ€™m trying to do/achieve

Is there a specific reason that you want to show them as separate list items rather than one? I mean instead of
{โ€œAvocadoโ€ , โ€œAvocadoโ€ , โ€œAvocadoโ€ , โ€œGoma wakameโ€} just having {โ€œAvocadoโ€ , โ€œGoma wakameโ€}

Hi @LeventK, yes there is, I manipulate those data with google apps script, splitting the values and counting the occurrences to do other stuff with it. I need it to be this way

Iโ€™m afraid you canโ€™t have duplicate values in an ENUMLIST or an ENUM field, because there is no definitive break point between duplicate values in a way that they will be treated as unique list items.

Thatโ€™s a pity thanks fot the answer @LeventK

I got your point but as there are no descriptive way to differentiate those list items, you cannot have them repeating in an ENUMLIST or an ENUM field unfortunately. If you can have them listed as:

{โ€œAvocado-1โ€ , โ€œAvocado-2โ€ , โ€œAvocado-3โ€ , โ€œGoma wakameโ€}

you can still split the list and count them with the GAS using str.indexOf("Avocado") for example.

Thanks @LeventK thatโ€™s a good point, iโ€™ll give it a try

Hi @LeventK

I am new to appsheet and working on similar issue where i scan same barcode multiple times in single box. 

How can i achieve apple-1, apple-2 in this case. 

Note:i also tried concatenate but that is also not accepting consecutive duplicates. 

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